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Showing posts from February, 2014

An imaginary interview with Jonathan Edwards

Kwame Sarpey. How did you become so ingodded? Jonathan Edwards. I spent time with God. Kwame Sarpey. What's was your secrets? Jonathan Edwards. I set myself apart, I took out distractions, I didn't run from one revival to the other. I had no need of the spectacular, the simple faith was enough for me. I studied and prayed over the Bible so many times it became me. Kwame Sarpey. How much more should I strive before I become ingodded like you? Jonathan Edwards. Strive till you're ingodded. Kwame Sarpey. How do I know I'm ingodded? Jonathan Edwards. When you see Him as He is.

Get Yourself Out.

Based on Genesis 12.1-5, the children of Nazareth Baptist Church, Santa Maria here in Accra, Ghana learn about what it means to believe. They get to know that believe isn't just an intellectual assent but a behavorial conformity. They are also taught that Abram believed God (Gen 15.6) and his believe led him to obey. Man can say 'I believe, I have faith, I trust in, I rely on' as many times as he can but as long as he doesn't change his actions he's a liar. The evidence that you believe is to obey. The evidence that you are saved is to follow. Apart from making my children memorise Gen 15.6 - "and Abram believed God," I also made them memorise "the only way to show you believe is to obey." I am sick of the form of Christianity that teaches children to be just morally upright and forgets to tell them that God isn't pleased with morally upright people, but rather He's only pleased with blood bought sinners. Its not enough to just tell th...

He's Responsible.

Jeremiah 31:28 - And it shall come to pass that as I have watched over them to pluck up and break down, to overthrow, destroy, and bring harm, so I will watch over them to build and to plant, declares the LORD. IF YOU HATE YOUR LOT IN LIFE GO TO HIM. YOU'VE FOUGHT THE DEVIL FOR SO LONG AND IT HASN'T WORKED. GET WISE, CHANGE YOU BATTLE PLAN. The real battle is for the mind. Bad preaching has allowed the devil to win. What we need to do is take captive every thought and submit it to the LORDSHIP of Christ. That includes the thoughts that say " my problem isn't from God, it passed by Him, and the devil must pay." I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I have to if I love you. A wise man has said 'he who loves you is he who tells you the most truth.' The Christian God claims sole responsibility for whatever happens, evil doesn't originate from Him but He sanctions it, the devil can't be punished more for he's already received a just punishment ...

Turn or Burn.

You may have hang-ups that the Christian God can't or won't forgive you for such and such a sin. You may sometimes feel and know that a moral God has to send such an awful sinner like you to Hell for your many immorality - you're right. You might even be a Christian who has commited so many sins that you no longer think there's any Blood left to cleanse you this time. You may be thinking God is tired and done with you for confessing and repenting of this sin for the hundred plus one time. I have this Word for your consideration before you give up. Isaiah 21.11,12 - this is God's message to Edom (this is where you put your name): Someone from among you keeps calling (the fact that you call means there's mercy for a sinner like you), calling to me: "Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night? How much time is left?" The watchman replies, "Your judgement day is dawning now. Turn again to God, so that I can give you better news. Se...

Be Me Valentine

A friend has this as her whatsapp status "Jesus, be my valentine cuz I don't have one." I can say with all authority that the Jesus of the Bible isn't interested in such an offer. It sounds pretty much like the way some people do evangelism today - "you have a good job, a good income, good spouse or children, all things are working right for you, you lack just one thing. You need Jesus to make your life complete." Or "you need to build your house on the rock, you have all you need but it isn't enough, you need to get your house off the sand unto the rock." Such foolishness. Jesus isn't some accessory you add to your life. Jesus isn't a peripheral you add to your computer system. My Jesus isn't some ribbon you need to beautify your life. You who have all you ever wanted, Jesus doesn't need or want you. Jesus won't 'come into your life' to make it complete. The Jesus of Holy Scripture wants to be your life. He wan...

Wild but True Thoughts

Just some thoughts. 1. God can do whatever He damn well pleases and He damn well can damn all if He damn well pleases. 2. God never says ouch! or oops! 3. 20th century popular Christianity makes God the only Lord who has no power to make His subjects do anything. 4. Revivals happen when people see God. 5. God is alive. People die. God was alive when the universe burst into existence, God was alive when Socrates drank his poison, God will be alive when all reading this are dead. God is alive. 6. God is on His Throne. He isn't frantic or nervous. He isn't busy. 7. Many people have 'entered' the narrow gate are walking into Hell for they are not walking the narrow way. 8. There is no big man of God. There are only puny small men of a BIG GOD. 9. God rules all that is. 10. You need to serve God even if you will be sick till death; poorer than a Church mouse; be so persecuted you'll wish for a thousand deaths; or He even promises to send you to Hell for He is w...

God Esteem.

Have you ever wondered why there's so much confusion and disorder, lack of joy and peace, and lack of identity in the Church though there's so many books and sermons about self-identity, self-esteem, and discovering your potential and purpose. I do think much about it and I've come to the conclusion that God doesn't care most about our self-identity and esteem. I'm not saying He doesn't care, am saying He doesn't care MOST about us. The God of the Bible is so full of Himself that He does all things for Himself. He made you for Himself, He rescued you for Himself, He rescued you from Himself, He blesses you for His own sake. He does all He does for His own sake. Go through your Bible and you'll see that though He does things for His creation its all for His glory. He wouldn't be God if He cared for anything or anybody more than He cares for self. If God cares about Himself most and cares about you much, it stands to reason that you can only find ful...