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“If I were utterly selfish and had no care for anything but my own happiness, I would choose, I might under God, to be a soul winner, for never did I know perfect overflowing, unutterable happiness of the purest and most ennobling order till I first heard of one who had sought and found the Saviour through my means.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

“I know it, God wants us to evangelize but I just can’t.”
“I’m a respectable man, how can I go about telling people to repent.”
“I work fulltime so I don’t have time.”
“I find it hard to talk to strangers.”
“I’m not an evangelist.”
“I’m shy.”

     Not everyone has been called to be an evangelist but everyone has been called to evangelism. An evangelist is different from evangelism as much as my cooking is diferent from my mothers’. An evangelist has been set apart (called) by God to dedicate his time, life and ministry to win souls for Christ. The work of an evangelist is simply to preach the Good News and lead men to Christ. You need a special kind of grace to do that.
     Evangelism is the act where you tell your friend, neigbours the good news of Christ. We’ve all been called to evangelism. In Mark 16: 15 and Matt 28:19-20 when Christ gave that command it was for those who believed in Him, so if you have ever made a personal commitment to believe then you’ve been called to evangelize.
      Every Christian is to evangelize. To evangelize is not all about standing on a stage calling men to repentance or leaving you job to preach the Word full time, though both will be appreciated if you can do them.
     This guide is to help those who give beautiful excuses to themselves and the Church about why they can’t evangelise.
     You like all human beings have a fine regard for yourself and like to be fine and unselfish in your own estimation. We all have two reasons for doing a thing: one that sounds good and a real one. The person will think of the real one.                     
     In our case if the real one is not helping to evangelize the world lets consider the good one.
     No matter the reason we give ourselves and others for doing something, there is always another side: the good side. WE WANT SOMETHING.
You give your tithes and offering because you know the blessings associated with it and you want your share.
You give to your favorite charity because you want to feel good about making a change in someones’s life.
You hope and pray that your children will succced because you hope and pray that they will provide for you in your old age.
You gave your seat to that old man because you wanted the people in the bus to see your good attitude or maybe you just wanted to feel good (it could also be you just couldn’t miss the opportunity to receive a blessing).
You’ve been singing in Church because you want us to appreciate your good voice (we really do), or you want that brother or sister to notice you. I hope s/he does one day.
You do nothing in Church because you don’t want to be noticed. You decided to become a Christian because you got tired of your old lie and needed an alternative.
I am writing this manual because I need a little recognition (that’s a good one – even for me).
I could go on about the good reason we have for doing but I’m tired of playing the cynic.
     Soul winning is a definite effort to lead a definite person to a definite Savior at a definite time (Billy Sunday).
     Do you remember what you did the last time you bought that new bag, shirt, house or car? You took every opportunity you gad to talk about it and show it around. Why? You did that because you loved the attention we all showed to your new shiny toy and you were also proud of it.
     You did that which every marketer would be proud of; you recommended it to all who cared to be near you. It’s very simple to evangelise: as a Christian you’ve found the Pearl of great price, be proud of it and go ahead and recommend it.

Why You Should Get Off Your Backside And Win Souls!
THE WORTH OF A SOUL. What in the world will you give in exchange for your life? Nothing” (Mark 8.37). You may be the only one who can make a mark on that soul, and a soul is far worth all the treasures in the world. “What would a man gain by winning the world if he’s lost his soul?” Bingo, you’ve found a soul. Just think of presenting that soul to God as your gift to Him. It’s nice to imagine giving a gift to the God who has all that He is and needs nothing more.
THE FACT OF HELL. If you truly believed that souls are headed for a lost eternity in hell fire, brimstone, torture, blackness, anguish and pain forever, you will sure do all in your powere to pursuade men to turn from sin to Jesus Christ.
     Have you ever thought about cheating the devil? You say it’s impossible! You cheat him each time you snatch a soul out from hell. The fact that through you the devil has lost a soul should get you out there to evangelise. Oh, the laugh of outsmarting God’s and man’s enemy.
THE SUFFERING OF CHRIST ON THE CROSS FOR EACH SINNER. Please don’t let his suffering be in vain. Do you remember how you used to talk about the man’s whose wife left him as if he had appointed you his P.R.O. Remember what you did when you learnt that the guy who has been frustrating your campus life had failed a paper, yea, sure I know, you just couldn’t stop talking about it. Carnal man likes to glory in other people misfortunes, so glory in the suffering of Christ. Talk of the suffering of Christ but remember that it ended in glory to the Father, Himself and you, my friend.
THE EMPTINESS, FOLLY AND VANITY OF THIS WORLD. In Christ we have found something and have something that we need to present to our friends. Do you enjoy being the first to tell your friends the latest news in town? If yes, then I’ve one for you. Christ knows the latest news in town but He’s willing to give you the opportunity to be the one to tell it.
     For those who are hungry and thirsty for something that satisfies; they know deep within that their lives are empty. Jesus says, “I am the bread of life …. if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever” (John 6.35,51). “I am the living water, if anyone thirst, let him come to Me and drink” (John 7.37)
     Many are searching for God but don’t know where to find Him, or even if He exists. Jesus says. “I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life: no one comes to the Father except by Me” (John 14.6).
     Many are stumbling through this life, groping in the dark, with little or no direction or purpose. Jesus says, “I am the light of the world, he who follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 6.48-51, 7.35, 14.6, 8.12).
     Many are living under stress and conscious of the terrifying pressures of our modern world. Jesus says, “Come to Me, all who are labored and heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11.28).
     Many feel that they can do nothing of ultimate value. Jesus says, “I am the vine, and you are the branches. He who abides in Me ….. bears much fruit” (John 15.5).
     All of us, one day must face death and life after death. Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in Me ….. shall never die” (John 11.25, 26). “I am the good shepherd ….. and I give ….. eternal life …… I am the door; if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved” (John 10.14,27 – 29).
     Is this not better news that the latest fashion, the new girl that just moved to the neighborhood and the new movie you heard about? You bet it is.
THE DESIRE TO HAVE THE FAMILY CIRCLE COMPLETE IN HEAVEN. Wouldn’t it be sad to know that one relative or friend is missing because we were too busy, lazy or careless?
     A story is told of a Pastor who had a dream: He stood at the judgment bar and God asked, “Where are the souls of your friends and servants?”   “I don’t know, LORD” he said, and sank into hell. As he finished relating this story to his wife, he fell over dead.
     Remember the guy who works in the other department and the joy you had when you got to know he’s been moved to your department! Going back to Church after a period of absence and having a wonderful girl sitting in front of me (I didn’t know she was wonderful then but she sure was beautiful to me). I always tried to be near her and later got to know her name, since then I always look forward to any fellowship day. I know that if she’s to ask me to know to join the women fellowship, I might consider it. Why? It’s because I just love to be near her.
Even though we won’t get married in heaven, I’ll like to see the beautiful faces of the people I loved to see on earth.  
THE GLORIES OF HEAVEN SHOULD DRIVE THE SOUL WINNER TO HAVE OTHERS SHARE THESE. Listen to this, heaven is your home, share it with the homeless and they will thank you forever. You feel elevated each time you share with someone who hasn’t got. It’s more blessed to give than to receive. The only time I might see chalcedony, sardonyx, cornrlian, chrysoprase (Revelations 21.19, 20), or an angel will be in heaven and I’ll like to have someone to share that joy with me. This should be enough to make me share the secret word that opens up Aladdin’s cave (forgive me for calling God Aladdin).
 THE PERSONAL REWARDS OFFERED TO FAITHFUL SOUL WINNERS. When the disciples asked our Lord what they will get in doing His kind of work, He assured them that they will get a double fold of that they’ve given up for Him and in the world to come, eternal life (Matthew 19.28, 29). I also like where He says that as long as I seek the growth of His Kingdom, all things will be given to me. Yes all things; the house I’ve dreamt about for years, the Range Rover, and even the job I’m ready to kill for will all be added to me. Sorry, I almost forgot about the crown with the stars (it could be stones, but anyway it is precious). Each star or stone is for a soul that I’ve won into the Kingdom.


Thank you for reading this booklet.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Excepts taken from;
The Divine Act of Soul Winning by J.O. Sanders. 
The Soul Winners Fire by John Rice.
My God is Real by David Watson.

WRITTEN by Kwame Sarpey for GoodLife Network.


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