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How to guard against false teachers

 2 Peter 2. 1-3 “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among   you, who will surely bring in destructive heresies, even denying the master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words, their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.”
Learning to discern truth from error is more and more important these days. Our culture is increasingly interested in spirituality, and numerous groups seek to influence and control those who are not grounded in Scripture. That is why it is absolutely important that we know false teachers and teaching, and how to guard against their lies. False teachers do prey on the Church from without, but they can also arise from within (Acts 20.28-30).
The surest way o protect my family, friends and Church from false teaching is to make sure they are grounded in the Scriptures. To spot a counterfeit, study the real thing. Any believer who ‘correctly handles the word of truth’ (2 Timothy 2.15) and makes a careful study of the Bible can spot an error. The Berean (Acts 17.10, 11) attitude to Scripture should be adopted by all who seek to be protected from false teachers and their teachings.
In my teachings, I will not only stress the importance of Scripture but their certainty. In contrast to the clearly devised tales of false teachers the Scriptures are a more “sure word of prophecy,” which comes from men who have witnessed the power and glory of the resurrected Christ. These Scriptures must be interpreted correctly, through the illumination of the Holy Spirit, and in a way consistent with the interpretation of godly saints throughout history.
I will be much more comforted by knowing that their understanding of a biblical text agrees with the interpretation of a saint of old, who suffered and dies foe his faith, than by embracing the modern day interpretation of a Range Rover preacher whose only suffering is measured by the number of listeners his last scandal cost him.
     “Let us be on guard against false doctrine. Unsound faith will never really be the mother of really sound practice, and in these latter days, departures from the faith abound. See then that your lions be girded with truth, and be very jealous of receiving anything which cannot be proved by the Bible. Do not think for a moment that false doctrine will meet you face to face, saying, “I am false doctrine, and I want to come into your heart.” Satan does not go to work in that way. He dresses up false doctrine like Jezebel – he paints her face and attires her hair, and tries to make her like truth. Do not think that those who preach error will never preach that which is true. Error will do little harm, if that was the case. No! Error will come before you mingled with much that is sound and Scriptural.” J C Ryle in Consider Your Ways.



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