Monday and Beach. What has the monday after Resurrection Sunday got to do with beach? Persons who have no share in the bounty of the Resurrection (but think they have cuz persons who shold know better have told them they have) and people who have been told you dont need to change your life now that you claim to have changed your heart (something prosperity and charismatic pastors love to teach) rush to the sea to do whatever is done at the beach in memory of the Resurrected Christ. I'm not saying Beach (see, i evn made it big B) is bad for Christians (who am I to say that), I am only saying if they were Christians they would be home or somewhere worshipping God for killing and raising His Son for them rather than worshipping half naked bodies and the sand (is that what they really do?) So these two groups (they who dont give a hoot about any Resurrected body and they who think its time to party more than the angels cuz of the Resurrection) flock to the beaches. I have the su...